Thursday, July 20, 2006

Paul & Rebecca's Engagement

What a happy couple!

Rebecca could hardly contain the smile on her face
when looking at Paul, he obviously makes her laugh.

I can’t wait to see them on their wedding day.

All of Paul & Rebecca's engagement images can be viewed on Pictage.

Photographed by Margo

Hai & Alicia

Sunshine and big smiles were abundant during this shoot.

Hai and Alicia made my job as a photographer easy!

All of your images can be viewed on Pictage.


Photographed by Margo

Pat, Alicia & Kaya's Family Images

After a surprise birth, time spent in hospital and multiple nights bouncing under the stove hood fan
Kaya is comfy being at home in her loving parent’s arms!

Thank you Pat & Alicia for making me feel so welcome in your home.

I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to capture the
quiet moments spent together with your daughter.

Additional images can be viewed on

Photographed by Margo

Carey Stampede Party


Another year of Stampeding has come and gone.
Hopefully everyone has recuperated from the festivities.

The Carey Stampede party went off without a hitch.
Thank you to Frank and Anita
for hosting a wonderful event.

See you next year!

To view images from the Carey Stampede Party:

1. Log onto
2. Type Carey Stampede Party into the
"Find your event" box

3. Register
4. Enjoy the images!

Photographed by Margo & Jessie

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Scott & Jennifer's Wedding

What a lucky day, perfect weather, wonderful people,
goose poop and a dragonfly.
Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your day, everything just came together to create one amazing time-you have such great people in your life! The sun even seemed to be "on cue" showing itself just as you shared your first married kiss, how special!

Check out their images on
Pictage when they become available.
Photographed by Jessie

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You look familiar! Chris & Bryana’s Engagement

Chris, I should have gotten a shot of you in those funky sunglasses.
That image would have defiantly made an appearance at your 30th wedding anniversary.
I had a fantastic time taking your pictures.
Humor and good nature obviously runs in the Russell family.

Bryana, please pass on a G’day and a Howdy to your cousin from Oz.
I’ll practice my accent for your family from down under. Can’t wait for August!

Chris & Byrana’s engagement images can be viewed online at Pictage.
Photographed by Margo

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Hottest Wedding of the Year! Bret & Angela July 8, 06

Their MC put it best “Bret and Angie’s wedding was so hot
even the fire trucks showed up!”
Despite a little smoke and no air conditioning the
reception went off without a hitch.
Bret and Angela were cool as cucumbers handling everything in stride.

Have an amazing honeymoon in the sun and surf!
See you when you get back.

Check out their images on Pictage when they become available.
Photographed by Margo