Saturday, February 07, 2009

Riley & Ainsley's e-session

Riley's family farm was the perfect backdrop to create great shots of these two. I love it when couples suggest new ideas and interesting locations, it keeps me on my toes. Not to mention the car ride was a great opportunity for us to get to know each other. Enjoy the shots!

Log onto Pictage and enter 607935 into the Find Your Event to see all of Riley & Ainsley's engagement images when they become available.

Jason & Samantha's e-session

Jason & Samantha were the perfect couple to end a busy day of shooting with. Their easy going and open personalities made it a pleasure to work with them. Once these two are surrounded by friends and family celebrating their special day I get the feeling they will have a ton of crazy, fun candid shots!

Log onto Pictage and enter 573777 into the Find Your Event to see all of Jason & Samantha's engagement images when they become available.

Michael & Kimberlee's e-session

From snow to sand Michael and Kimberlee are just weeks away from their big day in the sunshine. These two were so easy to work with in the snow and ice the sun and water is going to be even better. I can't wait to see you down South, your day is going to be amazing!

Log onto Pictage and enter 534445 into the Find Your Event to see all of Michael & Kimberlee's engagement images when they become available.